Thursday, December 2, 2010

social tools and cloud computing Week 10

This week's material focused on social bookmarking as well as cloud computing.  Social bookmarking is a service that allows users to visit websites and save the websites to a neutral server like delicious.  The user is able to categorize, adjust, name and describe the bookmark to make it easier to identify at a later date.  For instance if a person stumbles upon a website they like pertaining to travel arrangements, they can label the bookmark as a travel bookmark and describe the service that it provides so that they will know what it is later.  There is also a website called stumbleupon that allows for users to get randomly transferred to various websites within certain categories.  If someone is interested in rock music, the website can help find other websites pertaining to rock music that the user would probably never stumble upon.  Cloud computing was the other subject of the material this week and specifically google docs.  Cloud computing is a very interesting idea in that it allows for a user to submit and edit content existing on the web and rather then send a copy of the work to someone, they simple allow the other person access to the online content.  This takes away the need to send many emails and make many copies of the same thing that inevitably vary and become confusing and overwhelming.  When working in a group for example, all members can make adjustments to the same document rather than having to send around copies of the various versions of the document.

I think that cloud computing is much more relevant to my major and profession than social bookmarking.  Google docs could be useful to every major but also very useful to film making.  When moving from pre-production to production there are many different versions of the same script that change all the time.  It would be much easier for everyone to log into a google doc and view the script as apposed to having to make changing and send multiple copies.  It would also be useful for scheduling purposes as well.  Coordinating all of the people in a production could benefit greatly if there was a type of cloud computing scheduler or calender.  I'm sure there is one out there and I will definitely look into google docs into the future for projects.


The link I found is for a website that utilizes cloud computing to organize schedules and contacts and also allows you to create groups.  I've already stressed that I think calendar applications for cloud computers in very beneficial but having contacts for a large business or just a social butterfly would also help.  The service called airset allows you to hook up to the program using a smart phone or computer.  Airset also allows you to safely backup files from your computer onto the "cloud" so that you can access them from anywhere.  I'm sure many companies are designing cloud software including google but it is good to see that cloud computing is expanding to include many different aspects a person may need.  I was not aware of any of this technology before but after looking around the internet I've found that there is a lot of different options to "cloud compute" and there are many different applications that seem practical and beneficial for pretty much every type of use a person may need.

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