Thursday, October 21, 2010

Digital Story Telling (Week 8 pt 2)

The selection of articles from the LA times are good proof of the importance and shift to digital storytelling.  The articles all focus around digital technology and how movie's and loads of other media are being offered and provided through the internet.  The internet has become extremely important to the entertainment industry and has caused people to raise their expectations for what they get off of the internet.  People are not satisfied with simple html websites anymore, they want interactive and progressive sites.  Web 2.0 content and digital storytelling is increasingly important.  Being able to use technology to communicate to an audience is critical.  The material from the week also describes the different formats of audio that exist.  There are basically two types of digital audio categories; uncompressed or compressed.  The formats that are predominate in uncompressed are wav and aiff.  compressed formats include mp3 and OGG.  Compressed takes an original file and shrinks it to a more manageable size.  This causes loss of some quality.  Uncompressed is the entire raw information without any loss of quality.

Digital Story telling and audio are very important topics in my major and profession.  Movies are stories told digitally now through editing software and audio mixing.  Knowing which types of audio formats to use and the differences between them is very important.  For example when storing audio files for later use you should save them as uncompressed files so they can be manipulated in the future.  When releasing audio files online or for soundtracks you can compress them to make them easier to download for other people.  Also when mixing sound for a theater it is important to make sure that the sound is at full quality as the sound system will play all the intricacies of your composition.

The link I found relates to sound quality.  It is from and troubleshoots some very common problems that people face with sound quality.  It breaks the problems into categories, distortion for example, and then explores different solutions within the category.  The website does a good job at considering a large number of issues that a user could face and addressing them all in depth.  This could be useful for creating effective podcasts with quality audio or for other outlets of digital story telling as well.

Podcast Blog

I could definitely see how podcasts could be used for presentations.  Even knowing how to use sound and edit sound in garage band or audacity can prove useful for most professions I think.  Sound is a big part of effective presentations and is very important.  I don't think podcasts would be helpful to film making itself but could be helpful in the promotion of a film and as a special type of feature for people to be able to stay involved and get information early about a project.  Sound editing itself is definitely extremely important and can make or break a production.  People are more forgiving of bad images than bad sound.  Bad sound can jar an audience right out of the intended experience.

Digital Story Telling


Digital Story telling is at the root of everything I do in my profession.  Film making is essential the combination of many different forms of digital story telling and making them all work together.  The example I provided is a commercial I did that uses kinetic typography with animation elements, sound effects and voice over to try to give an overall sense of the restaurant and the atmosphere I was marketing.  In creating this commercial I had to use programs like Shake for compositing and animating, Final Cut Pro for editing and Logic for sound design and music composition, all tools of digital story telling.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Visual literacy Blog Week 6

Visual literacy is the ability to understand visual images and also the ability to use visual images to communicate and relay your thoughts to others.  As technology becomes increasingly more prevalent, it has become more important to use visuals to communicate and be able to decipher others' messages in their images.  With programs like photoshop people are able to manipulate images immensely.  In a video provided in the material there was a video of extreme photoshop makeover.  By changing the color grading and erasing imperfections or artifacts that are not wanted, it is possible to reinforce the message of an image or even change the meaning of an image completely after the fact.

Visual literacy is critical in my major and and profession.  Everything I do is based on and judged by the images I capture and create.  Understanding how to change the meaning of an image and knowing how the image is received by an audience can be make or break for a specific project.  As far as marketing goes and commercial work, there are many techniques marketers and graphic designers use to reinforce their points and appeal to their respective audiences.  A commercial on the television is completely dependent on visual literacy.  The images show in a commercial give the audience a definition of the project in their own mind so it is important to convey the product so that it will be received correctly.

The Link I found from deconstructs a cigarette ad and analyzes what the ad men attempt to do and what the anti-tobacco people attempt to do.  It describes how lighting is used to emphasize and how certain colors can make different impacts.  Both sides of the argument attempt a similar cause, appeal to teenagers who are receptive and try to get them to go along with your cause.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Podcast Blog Part 2 (week 9)

The material covered in the second half of week 8 pertained to audio and podcasts.  A podcast a series of audio broadcasts that are downloaded off of the internet.  Podcasts can either be downloaded for listening to in the future or streamed for listening live.  Podcasts use Ogg vorbis or mp3 as the audio files so it isn't very difficult to find a device that can play the files.  The name derives from the idea that it is a broadcast originally designed for the ipod.  Podcasting is still relatively new, only catching real attention since 2004, but it is gaining steam quickly and has become a key word in the technology vernacular.

Podcasting can be important in my major and profession.  Marketing is very important for films and obviously commercials.  Podcasts are another way to reach the desired audience.  Many podcasts have thousands of listeners, this is very lucrative for advertisers.  Podcasts have yet to really define themselves in terms of how they want to make profit but advertising on them is certainly an option.  Podcasts are also ways to relay information out to the public about a project.  Pixar's "Cars" for example used podcasts to release a series of behind the scenes clips to start to promote the movie and shows like "Battlestar Galactica" provided podcasts with the creators talking about the show and their inspirations.

I found a very interesting site that details some uncommon uses of the podcasts.  People are using podcasts to broadcast serial plays and novels that people read in parts.  Unofficial museum tours are being podcasted so that people can download the  file and go to a museum and listen to a tour on their own IPOD or MP3 player.   Music lessons are also being podcasted in segments so that people don't get overwhelmed by a full course, as if in book format, and their progress is steady.  It seems that podcasts are still so new that the possibilities are seemingly endless at this point.  I'll be interested to see how the podcast evolves in the future.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Week 8 Material Blog Part 1

The first part of week 8's material focused on digital technology as a subcategory of digital storytelling.  Digital technology uses representative data consisting of 1's and 0's to represent what either a picture, video or audio clip is that can be later translated and reconverted to its original medium.  Analog technology is a pure physical representation of the source.  The advantage to digital is a much smaller less expensive result that, for most purposes, suites the need of the application.  Digital has been improving and coming closer to being indistinguishable from analog by utilizing higher resolutions with more mega pixels or faster sampling rates for audio at high bit rates.  However analog is still way ahead when it comes to pure quality.

This all is very relevant to my major as camera's and sound are the most important tools for film production.  Knowing what decisions to make regarding the use of digital and analog is very important as it determines costs and quality.  Where it is much cheaper to use digital, analog sources, like film, offer much higher quality.  Having directed and worked on both analog productions using 35mm and 16mm film, as well as digital medium in the form of uncompressed HD it is clear that both mediums have their pros and cons.  Understanding the differences is crucial to making your final product effective whether its a commercial production or a film.,5156.html

The website I found is a description and review of a very interesting relatively new digital technology for a camera called RED.  Where HD uses 1080p resolution, RED uses 4000p resolution.  This is important as it is a big step for digital in approaching analog quality.  Where film is still unmatched in its contrast and technical factors, digital is getting very close and to the common viewer is virtually identical.  This means lower cost for films and an easier more fluid shooting environment.  On a production using film, time has to be taken out every 10 minutes of filming time to load new film into the cameras.  With digital it is possible to continuously film uninterrupted.